
The Interdisciplinary Humanities Minor requires 15 hours with courses that cross geographic, historical, and disciplinary boundaries and include materials drawn from various media (literature, film, dance, visual arts), periods, and national traditions to increase inter-cultural competence.
Our courses serve as a strong foundation for study in many departments and programs, including History, Philosophy, Classics, Religion, Anthropology, and Languages and Literatures.
A total of 9 hours:
HMN 200: Introduction to Humanities: Themes in Literature, Culture, and Film (3 hrs)
HMN 211: Dialogues with Antiquity (3 hrs)
HMN 212: Reading the Modern World (3 hrs)
Select 6 hours:
HMN 213: Studies in European Literature (3 hrs)
HMN 219: Introduction to Japanese Literature (3 hrs)
HMN 220: Historical Perspectives on the Humanities (3 hrs)
HMN 223: African and Caribbean Literature (3 hrs)
HMN 225: Literature, Travel, and Discovery (3 hrs)
HMN 226: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contemporary Fiction (3 hrs)
HMN 227: Engaging the Humanities: Social Justice and Equity in Communities (3 hrs)
HMN 228: Viennese Culture 1860-1914 (3 hrs)
HMN 232: Italy in Literature (3 hrs)
HMN 262: Racism, Heterosexism, and Religious Intolerance (3 hrs)
HMN 272: Literature and Ethics (3 hrs)
HMN 290: The Humanities through Film, Literature and Media (3 hrs)
HMN 291: The Humanities and History: Intersections of Public History and the Public Humanities (3 hrs)
HMN 292: Environmentalism, the Humanities, and Gender (3 hrs)
HMN 294: Digital Approaches in the Humanities (1.5, 3 hrs)
HMN 295: Social Entrepreneurship and the Humanities: Innovation, Public Engagement, and Social Change (3 hrs)
HMN 365: Humanity and Nature (1.5, 3 hrs)
HMN 370: Medicine and the Humanities (3 hrs)
HMN 374: Humanities and Law (3 hrs)
HMN 375: Urban Design and the Human Experience (3 hrs)
HMN 385: Special Topics (1-3 hrs)
HMN 389: Directed Reading and Research (1.5 hrs)
HMN 390: Directed Writing (1.5 hrs)
HMN 389 and HMN 390, a year-long research project, can count as an elective towards the 15 hour requirement. When these courses are in progress, the student is assigned a minor adviser who assists in planning the purpose and detail of the student’s project.
Declaring the Minor
To declare the Humanities Minor, you need to complete the online Add/Drop: Major, Minor, and Concentration form which can be found in Virtual Campus (WIN). For instructions, please visit the Registrar’s website.